Tuesday, December 28, 2010


hello everyone
i made a potato cannon recently and just wanted to say that i am selling them for $80
they fire potatoes 250 to 300 feet and use only a one dollar hair spray as fuel
please e-mail me if you want one

Review: Nerf Deploy

this gun looks dorky and isn't comfortable for anyone bigger than a 10 year old
because the stock rubs against your wrist and the handle is too small. the idea of
collapsing is stupid and has no purpose. ranges aren't very good and not very modable
it looks bad with any clip other than the six dart standard clip.
overall bad and barely a 4 out of 10. don't waste your money on this get a nite finder
or an alpha trooper

Review: Nerf Maverick

this is a very good gun
it has pretty good modding potential and stock has decent ranges
it is very good for getting off six shots in a hurry. i would say it
is the second best handgun behind the nite finder. looks great
and is extremely comfortable. i would rate it 8 out of 10

Review: Nerf Recon

this gun is average
ranges are ok and can be made better
if i had the money for this gun i would definately
buy an alpha trooper because it has the 18 dart clip
and it has slamfire. the recon is good looking
and comfortable but not great performance wise
overall i would rate it a 6 out of 10

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Review: Nerf Nite Finder

Best spring pistol ever
it has amazing modding potential from integrating a AT2K into or coupering for ranges over
100 feet. very easy to mod and results are fantastic. just drilling out the air restrictors and adding
a rubber band can get you ranges over 50 feet which is better that a a stock longshot. very comfortable,
good rate of fire, amazing ranges, good looks, good price, easy to use and mod, overall 10 out of 10

Review: Nerf Titan

This gun is epic
not the best stock gun but epic
it fires these massive rockets that are about a foot long over 30 feet
it has a place to attach a hornet (worst gun ever never buy) and a scout
(pretty ok) modified it can shoot darts way over 130 feet and buzzbee
rockets over 80 feet. it is a bit large and considering you have only one
shot it's probably best to have as a secondary or to integrate it (like into
a longshot) it can be modified to fire three or even four darts at a time
and even that can be quite painful. overall i would rate it a 7.5 out of 10

Review: Nerf Firefly

Not that great
the internals take up a third of the entire gun and the ranges are just ok
the hole for your trigger finger is too small for anyone with big hands like me
modding potential is very limited other than spring improvement and air restrictor
removal thats about it. i wouldn't buy it if i had the money. you're better off buying a nite finder
overall i would rate it a 6 out of 10

Review: Nerf Longshot

this is probably the best nerf gun ever
it has pheonominal modding potential and stock form is pretty ok it looks very good and is quite comfortable. i have owned 7 in my modding career and have never been disappointed. there are many variations of mods from minimizations to integration titans here are some examples
the top one in this picture was my inspiration for my longshot/raider integration except mine is better
no offense to the guy who made this one because his blog is amazing and i check it every day here is the link


I forgot

i forgot i also have a stampede with the following mods:
air restrictor removed, small spring added, section of front barrel cut off for better ranges   i am planning on doing a mod so it will run on a RC battery pack which would be 1. rechargeable 2. lighter and 3. more powerful so it would have better rate of fire      i am now very familiar with the internals of a stampede so if you want one modified i am perfectly willing. i only deal with ebay and paypal

I'm back

basketball season started and i'm playing my team and on the higher team so i was packed with homework, practices, games, and of course living. so i'm back and ready to get this blog running. First off i'm going to say i got a DREMEL!!! i had been modifying for over three years without one and now i feel like all my other mods were baby steps and now i can start gaining progress. i guess i should update you on my inventory so here it is:

1. buzzbee big blast 1/2 inch CPVC couplered with a 12 inch barrel ranges over 130 feet
2. buzzbee big blast no coupler 6 inch barrel ranges over 110 feet
3. alpha trooper air restrictors removed, no locks ranges over 35 feet
4. alpha trooper air restrictors removed, no locks, nightfinder spring in stock back plate on handle cut off, ranges over 45 feet
5. yellow longshot air restrictors removed, locks removed, modified maverick integrated ranges
longshot-over 75 feet
maverick-over 30 feet
6. titan with air restrictor removed, barrel situation messed up W.I.P
7. nite finder air restrictor removed, CPVC barrel with 3/4 inch PVC mock silencer, LSFG spring added ranges over 75 feet
8. nite finder air restrictor removed, CPVC barrel with 3/4 inch PVC mock silencer, firefly spring added  ranges over 80 feet
9. nite finder air restrictor removed, CPVC barrel, laser converted into ammo finder facing downward, LED flashlight integrated      rubber band added    ranges over 75 feet
10. nite finder air restrictor removed, CPVC barrel, minimized, rubber band added, laser converted into ammo finder    ranges over 65 feet
11. nite finder air restrictor removed, 1/2 inch CPVC couplered, re-lubricated, double o-ring, dart holders removed allowing for speed loader holder, extra barrel holder on side   ranges over 105 FEET!!!
12. nite finder air restrictor removed, 1/2 inch pex barrel (old mod redone,pex has much tighter dart fit) trigger guard, sight, dart holders added, removable fake silencer added for looks and improved accuracy     ranges over 85 feet

Now for my best mod EVER

blue longhshot with really strong spring added, double o-ring, re-lubricated, singled, locks removed, 11-12 inch barrel, PVC in stock to prevent collapsing of stock under pressure, bi-pod removed for integration of...
          A MODIFIED RAIDER!!! with: air restrictors removed, spacer added, re-lubricated, longshot priming handle on shotgun grip for easy priming

that's it for now i'm planning on buying a longstrike and a bandolier kit soon and if affordable a longshot
i am also planning on buying a raider if a get a longshot to do another longshot/raider integration to sell

i am will to sell almost any gun for the right price. i'll be reasonable but if it's one of my favorites i'll need to make another one and be satisfied before i sell either one. if you want a modified gun and i don't have it feel free to e-mail me with the mod and i'll tell you how much i want. if you have a new mod but are afraid to do it yourself i'm up to a challenge.   

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Inventory

my inventory changes constantly so i will try to update it monthly. I mod pretty much every gun i own even if it's very minor. thanks for looking and if you want to buy a gun email me and i'll list it on ebay.

These are the guns i have in september:
three modified nightfinders with flashlights,barrel replaced, and spring stretched
modified alpha trooper with ar's removed, spacer, flashlight on side,
modified titan with single fire, tri, and quad barrels
two dart tag guns soon to be singled and flashlights added
two modified double shots with barrels added
two stock double shots with parts broken but fiexable by adding barrels and adding method to prime
modified maverick ar's removed

thats all for now i will get a video up (hopefully) and if not then i will be sad


hi my name is david and i want to welcome you to my blog. i will try to make this blog as good of a resource as possible. i will be doing mods and reviews on nerf guns i already have and ones that i get throughout the year. i'm afraid i will not be providing information or news about guns coming out etc. but will tlk about really special stuff (such as the stampede coming out). i live in kansas city kansas and like to play basketball and am always open to suggestions for mods. i am still gaining experience so you will see the quality of my mods and write ups rising as time goes on. my email is david.nerf.modder@gmail.com  and feel free to send me an email. one thing about my email: so i don't spam you please put nerf mods under the subject and be sure to give me your email in the message. i will check my email much more than the comments on my posts just because it's more convenient. the one exception is if 1) i say otherwise in the post or 2) it's one of the last couple posts i've made. don't be afraid to criticize my work just don't put me down. SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT I DO NOT WANT TO SEE ANY INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE ON THE COMMENT BOX OR ON COMMENTS. MY PARENTS WOULD NOT LIKE IT AND I DON'T REALLY LIKE IT EITHER. now back to business. i will also be selling many guns on ebay and if you don't see any listed it doesn't mean i'm not selling any it just means i haven't gotten to listing them yet. my user name is daveed1297 and fell free to message me on that but i prefer my gmail. thanks for reading this and have fun with my blog   :)